Online Repository

Find here additional reading resources and tools related to the PhysicsKIT Curriculum

No. Name Category Type Language URL
1Introduction to sensorsTeaching resourceVideoEnglishLink
2Raspberry Pi vs ArduinoTeaching resourceVideoEnglishLink
3Circuit BasicsTeaching resourceVideoEnglishLink
4Raspberry Pi and SensorsTeaching resourceVideoEnglishLink
5Explanation of sensorsTeaching resourceWikiEnglishLink
6GPIO tutorialTutorialWikiEnglishLink
7Getting started with Raspberry Pi GPIOTutorialArticleEnglishLink
8Sensors in a Physics classroomTeaching resourceForumEnglishLink
9Forum for Raspberry Pi and PhysicsOtherForumEnglishLink
10Sensors TutorialsTutorialArticleEnglishLink
11Circuit basics for Raspberry PiOtherOtherEnglishLink
12Thermal Camera with Raspberry Pi 4TutorialWikiEnglishLink
13Incorporating the Raspberry Pi into laboratory experiments in an introductory MATLAB courseTeaching resourcePaper EnglishLink
14How to Make a Raspberry Pi Smart MirrorTutorialVideoEnglishLink
15Raspberry Pi weather stationTutorialBlogEnglishLink
16Raspberry Pi into space using a weather balloonOtherBlogEnglishLink
17Raspberry Pi Face RecognitionTeaching resourceWikiEnglishLink
186 DOF robot arm with Raspberry PiTutorialWikiEnglishLink
19Smart GlassesTutorialWikiEnglishLink
20Social Distance Detection System - Using Raspberry Pi and OpenCV AI KitTutorialWikiEnglishLink
21Raspberry Pi Planet FinderTutorialWikiEnglishLink
22Energy is the most powerful and useful concept in all of physics, but what exactly is it? Teaching resourceVideoEnglishLink
23Is energy always conserved?Teaching resourceVideoEnglishLink
24Energy unit comparisonTeaching resourceOtherEnglishLink
25Energy forms and change situationTeaching resourceGameEnglishLink
26Gas properties simulationTeaching resourceGameEnglishLink
27Energy Transformation Simulation: skate park exampleTeaching resourceGameEnglishLink
28Mass and Spring SimulationTeaching resourceGameEnglishLink
29A simple demonstration of the transfer of momentum through collisions between the two objectsTeaching resourceVideoEnglishLink
30What is gravity?Teaching resourceVideoEnglishLink
31Explanation about weight, force, mass and gravityTeaching resourceVideoEnglishLink
32Effect of gravity in the universeTeaching resourceVideoEnglishLink
33STEM experiment: How to escape gravityTeaching resourceOtherEnglishLink
34Determine the centre of gravity of different objectsTeaching resourceVideoEnglishLink
35Connecting the ADXL345 accelerometer to a Raspberry PiTutorialVideoEnglishLink
36Activities about gravityTeaching resourceOtherEnglishLink
37Experiments about gravityTeaching resourceOtherEnglishLink
38Freefall activityTeaching resourceArticleEnglishLink
39Falling objectsTeaching resourceOtherEnglishLink
40What is force? - Part 1Teaching resourceVideoEnglishLink
41What is force? - Part2Teaching resourceVideoEnglishLink
42Distance and displacementTeaching resourceVideoEnglishLink
43What is Friction?Teaching resourceVideoEnglishLink
44What is Velocity?Teaching resourceVideoEnglishLink
45What is Acceleration?Teaching resourceVideoEnglishLink
46Equation of MotionTeaching resourceVideoEnglishLink
47Newton's First Law of MotionTeaching resourceVideoEnglishLink
48Inertia and MassTeaching resourceVideoEnglishLink
49Newton's Second Law of MotionTeaching resourceVideoEnglishLink
50Newton's Third Law of MotionTeaching resourceVideoEnglishLink
51Low-cost Sensors in the Physics ClassroomTeaching resourceVideoEnglishLink
52Raspberry Pi Physics modules activityTeaching resourceBlogEnglishLink
53Experiments with Raspberry PiTeaching resourceVideoEnglishLink